Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today, I went to church for the first time since I moved to Germany about two weeks ago. I walked into this nondescript building in a town of about 450 people and realized I was about to meet every single member of the church.

There were 9 other people there.

I stood around awkwardly (thankful to have my trusty water bottle with me so I could drink and look "busy") and eventually half of the congregation came over and introduced themselves to me. We chitchatted and I told them all how I was new and had just moved to a town about 20 minutes away.

They were nice. Definitely.

But, the thing is that whenever I meet new people, I have the hardest time remembering their names. Ideally, I usually like to repeat people's names in my head 10 times or so in order to remember them. But more often than not, I look like a fool if I steal 6 or 7 seconds to conduct this exercise because I miss the inherent social nuances that imply that it is my turn to speak, raise my eye brows, look engaged, etc.

And, in the end, I just look stupid.

I eventually met all 9 people at the church and they all told me their names. Now, 7 hours later, I remember only one guy. Lee. He was a good guy and he didn't need any tricks to remember my name.

So, I'm writing this blog now and I wanted to introduce myself. You probably already know me and remember my name. I probably remember your name too. But, it never feels good to be standing there, water bottle in-hand, looking like a fool.

I'm Cameron. On this blog, I'm going to write about a variety of things; adventures in Germany, God, nature, girls, and other stuff that strikes my fancy. I hope you'll read it, and I hope perhaps you'll get something out of it. Even if it is just remembering someone's name.