Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where I Lay My Head

Currently, I am in the “field” and doing my Army thing. I know many of you have no idea what “field” means so allow me to break down the finer details.

The “field” signifies that Soldiers leave home and their Army posts to go somewhere (in the woods, large training areas, different countries, etc) in order to do simulated real-world training. While field training varies from unit to unit, it sometimes can mean sleeping under the stars for weeks while walking 20 miles each day in pursuit of a role-playing enemy. Other times, it means relocating to another facility with barracks and a cafeteria so you can wake up really early and shoot at sophisticated targets and become deadly defenders of America. Regardless of the type, in the field, Soldiers work seven days a week and have super long shifts because work is the only thing to actually do.

In my case, this field training exercise falls somewhat under the second description and is allowing the Apache helicopter pilots I work with to fly around and shoot rockets and big machine guns. Pretty neat stuff.

What is not neat is the fact that I sleep and shower in rooms with 40 other men, seven days a week.

In all honesty, I have no idea how some people can snore so loud. My ear plugs, eye mask, deep breathing techniques, and intense focus on freaking sheep jumping over fences serve little purpose here.

Thank goodness that I am a man blessed with great patience and a good dose of mellowness.

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