Saturday, November 6, 2010

Homemade Dinner

It is nice when a close friend comes to your place for a visit. It’s far better when they come to stay indefinitely.

Right now, my friend Heinz is staying with me indefinitely. His arrival here in Germany about a month ago has dramatically changed my lifestyle. Before Heinz, I would come home from work to an empty apartment and find some tv or, rarely, a book to keep me company. Occasionally, I would call a friend back in the US.

With Heinz, I come home to conversation. Companionship. Fellowship. It’s quite a different homecoming than I experienced during my first seven months here.

Before he found a job, I actually came home to a freshly prepared dinner most nights. It was exciting to unlock the door and wait for the smells to register. And, with “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” up-in-the-air, it almost seemed like marriage.


Now, he has a job and the homemade dinners are a little less frequent, but we manage just fine. Besides, I’d take the conversation and friendship over the food any day.

I’m excited to see what the future holds for my friendship with Heinz. We’ve already traveled to Austria and made some fantastic memories. We’re headed to Spain for Thanksgiving.

We are going to get to “do” a lot of stuff over the months ahead, but I already know that my fondest memories will be sampling the dozens of beers in the refrigerator and just conversing about life.

It should be a pretty great few months.

Thank you, God.

...........................Heinz and me at Oktoberfest in Munich....................


  1. So happy you have a companion in Germany now!! But I do have one major concern: why aren't you wearing any freaking lederhosen at Oktoberfest?

    Also, where in Spain are you going for Thanksgiving? JEALOUS.

  2. You come home to... Conversation. Companionship. Fellowship. A guy using your computer, all the time. Half the food you had, gone. Dirty dishes that you're positive you didnt use in the sink. The lights left on accidentally. Ohhh the joys of friendship. thanks for making it possible Cameron-
