Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tired Complaints

I just finished working a 27 hour shift at work. The recovery will take a few days, I’m sure, but I won’t be home for them.

Tomorrow, I am going to Venice for the weekend. After the past few brutal weeks at work, I’m ready to leave for a while. I need some fresh air and good wine. The canals and plazas in Venice should do the trick.

I’ll be back on Sunday, but only briefly.

A few days later, while most all my friends and family are sleeping in the early hours of Thanksgiving, I’ll be on a plane headed to Barcelona. It’ll be my first trip to Spain, and I’m anxious to be around a foreign language that I can understand. Maybe I’ll be able to have a conversation with a European girl for the first time in months.

I’ll keep you posted.

But for now, I’m sitting here staring at my backpack that is soon to be flung all around Europe, and I feel almost like complaining. I’m worried about my exhaustion: at this very moment, and when I get back from Spain next week. Work has been tiring. Hopscotching can be tiring too. I'm just a little sick of being exhausted.

But, tired is part of the game sometimes. And, God has me living in Europe and has given me the opportunity to travel abundantly. That blessing is pretty sweet and surly trumps the current urge to complain about the issues in my life.

So, I am tired and I will be tired, but no complaints from me.

I’m off to see new places.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, take this time in Venice to relax and not feel like you have to sight-see for 18 hours in the day. Just enjoy the city. Also, I hate to crush your dreams, but people in Barcelona don't like to speak castellean Spanish like we do....they speak Catalaan...which I didn't understand. I guess it's because people in Barcelona are better than the rest of the Spanish people, right? But I don't think that will stop you from talking to a European girl, just use your body language with those chicas and they will come flocking.
